Alt Raiding

I hit 80 with my Holy Priest alt on Sunday. Yesterday I ran my first heroics, and today I ran my first Heroic Naxxramas. I’m extremely lucky to be in a guild where we do an alt run weekly.

Some observations on healing vs melee

1. It’s harder than I thought it would be to watch hp boxes, and my own environment.

2. From a ranged class perspective, you can truly see the whole fight from a better vantage point than staring at a boss butt.

3. The alt priest is good for me. I get to learn some new play, and see the same old fights from a new perspective.

4. On a speed Naxx run, it’s hard to watch what gear you should roll on while raid healing the next pulls after a boss down. A gear list and knowing what you’re looking for is a total necessity.

5. Circle of Healing, Renew, Prayer of Healing, PW:S and Prayer of Mending are a few of my most favorite things.

I had a blast, and I’m very thankful to my guildmate who puts this run together and leads it. Especially since he let a new healer with no helm enchant (Wyrmrest and Kirin Tor rep are only sitting at honored lol) come along.

Tonight it’s back to the rogue, but I think I already have a greater appreciation for what mitigating and being aware of the damage I’m taking means for the raid’s healers. It’ll make me a better raider and team mate, so that’s definitely a win.